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Ministry of Agriculture Promotes Indonesian Coconut on the International Level

India – Indonesian coconut has the potential to skyrocket in the global market. At this international event, the Ministry of Agriculture took advantage of the momentum to promote Indonesian coconuts on the international stage.

The Ministry of Agriculture through the Directorate General of Plantations, represented by the Secretary of the Directorate General of Plantations, Heru Tri Widarto, as Chair of the Indonesian Delegation, attended and actively participated in the International Conference on Trade and Marketing of Coconut Products.

“Currently in Indonesia, the Ministry of Agriculture through the Directorate General of Plantations is developing early maturing coconut varieties. In accordance with the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia to plant 1 million early maturing coconuts in 2022,” said Heru when delivering a discussion on the focus of the coconut development program in Indonesia with the theme Way and Means of Sustainable Coconut Sourcing at the event (02/03).

Heru added, the Directorate General of Plantations is also developing coconut nurseries in several coconut production centers and encouraging the development of coconut corporations in Central Java and North Maluku.

“In developing coconuts, we must understand how important it is to handle pests and diseases in coconut plants to ensure the fulfilment of the availability of coconuts, both for the needs of the food industry, bioenergy, and other value-added coconut processing industries,” added Heru.

Heru further said, of course we continue to focus and continuously synergize in socializing, coaching and escorting, in order to encourage production quality and productivity improvements of plants and their derivative products so that they have added value, are competitive and implement sustainability and are environmentally friendly so that they can penetrate the export market.

On this occasion, the Secretary of the Directorate General of Plantations interacted directly with coconut industry players from India, Malaysia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand. It can be seen that several business actors expressed their interest in investing in coconut development in Indonesia.

This activity certainly opens up great opportunities for Indonesia to expand access to international markets in the future. The Ministry of Agriculture certainly continues to encourage and motivate planters and plantation business actors to strengthen the quality of coconuts and develop the downstream coconut commodity. In addition, it is necessary to encourage partnerships between entrepreneurs or industry and smallholders, if the cooperation is well established, the production and derivative products will be stronger and of course will have a positive impact on the income of smallholders, and mutual benefits, and coconut and Indonesian derivative products will be increasingly recognized and demand in the global market.

Source : Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia

Language : Bahasa


India – Kelapa Indonesia sangat berpotensi melejit dipasar global. Pada ajang Internasional kali ini Kementerian Pertanian memanfaatkan momentum menggaungkan kelapa Indonesia di kancah internasional.

Kementan melalui Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan, diwakili Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan, Heru Tri Widarto, selaku Ketua Delegasi Indonesia, hadir dan berpartisipasi aktif pada International Conference on Trade and Marketing of Coconut Products.

“Saat ini di Indonesia, Kementerian Pertanian melalui Ditjen Perkebunan mengembangkan varietas kelapa genjah. Sesuai dengan arahan Presiden RI melakukan penanaman kelapa genjah sebanyak 1 juta batang pada tahun 2022,” ujar Heru saat menyampaikan pembahasan fokus program pengembangan kelapa di Indonesia dengan tema Way and Means of Sustainable Coconut Sourcing pada acara tersebut (02/03).

Heru menambahkan, Ditjen Perkebunan juga tengah mengembangkan nursery kelapa di beberapa sentra produksi kelapa dan mendorong pengembangan korporasi kelapa di Jawa Tengah dan Maluku Utara.

“Dalam mengembangkan kelapa, Kita harus memahami bagaimana pentingnya penanganan hama dan penyakit pada tanaman kelapa demi memastikan terpenuhinya ketersediaan kelapa, baik untuk kebutuhan industri pangan, bioenergi, maupun industri pengolahan nilai tambah kelapa lainnya,” tambah Heru.

Lebih lanjut Heru menyampaikan, Tentunya kami terus fokus dan bersinergi secara kontinyu melakukan sosialisasi, pembinaan dan pengawalan, guna mendorong peningkatan kualitas mutu produksi maupun produktivitas tanaman beserta produk turunannya agar bernilai tambah, berdaya saing dan menerapkan keberlanjutan serta ramah lingkungan sehingga dapat menembus pasar ekspor.

Pada kesempatan tersebut Sekretaris Ditjen Perkebunan, berinteraksi langsung dengan para pelaku industri kelapa dari India, Malaysia, Filipina, Sri Lanka, dan Thailand. Terlihat bahwa beberapa pelaku usaha menyatakan ketertarikannya untuk berinvestasi pengembangan kelapa di Indonesia.

Kegiatan ini tentu membuka peluang besar bagi Indonesia untuk memperluas akses pasar internasional kedepannya. Kementan tentu terus berupaya mendorong dan memotivasi para pekebun maupun pelaku usaha perkebunan untuk memperkuat mutu kualitas kelapa dan pengembangan hilirisasi komoditas kelapa ini. Selain itu, perlunya mendorong kemitraan antara pengusaha atau industri dengan pekebun, apabila kerjasama terjalin dengan baik maka hasil produksi maupun produk turunannya akan semakin kuat dan tentu saja akan berdampak positif bagi pendapatan pekebun, dan saling menguntungkan, serta kelapa maupun produk turunan Indonesia semakin dikenal dan diminati pasar global.

Sumber : Kementerian Pertanian, RI